

Hypnobirthing group courses

Small group hypnobirthing courses, helping you learn alongside other locals going through pregnancy at the same time

We will cover:

  • Natural ways to manage during childbirth

  • How your body works during labour - the science behind it, and how to help it work most effectively

  • Self-hypnosis hypnobirthing skills to overcome fear, and increase your confidence in your ability to give birth

  • Useful breathing and deep relaxation techniques

  • How fear and anxiety have a directly negative impact on your body during birth, and how to reduce it

  • Ways in which your birth partner can play a pivotal role

  • Practical techniques to help you stay calm and relaxed during birth

  • Helpful birth positions

  • Effective ways to work with the medical team supporting you, and when to call the midwifery team / go in to hospital

  • Relaxation tracks and how to practise them

This course takes place over 5 sessions and costs £330 per couple / birthing person

“It was just what I needed to put me in the right frame of mind, and give me back faith in my body”

— Jenny S
Hypnobirthing student


Bespoke hypnobirthing courses

Individual hypnobirthing courses, tailored to you and your birth partner.

We will cover:

  • Natural ways to manage during childbirth

  • How your body works during labour - the science behind it, and how to help it work most effectively

  • Your own individual anxieties and worries and how best to address them so they don’t turn up during labour

  • Self-hypnosis hypnobirthing skills to overcome fear, and increase your confidence in your ability to give birth

  • Useful breathing and deep relaxation techniques

  • How fear and anxiety have a directly negative impact on your body during birth, and how to reduce it

  • Ways in which your birth partner can play a pivotal role

  • Practical techniques to help you stay calm and relaxed during birth

  • Helpful birth positions

  • Effective ways to work with the medical team supporting you, and when to call the midwifery team / go in to hospital

  • Individualised relaxation tracks and how to practise them

This bespoke, private course takes place over 4 sessions and costs £450

“I booked these classes because birth terrified me. I left genuinely excited. Having now had an amazing, empowering birth - I am forever grateful.”

— Mel A
Hypnobirthing student


Antenatal courses

You’re about to become parents and embark on one of the most exciting adventures of your life!
This course looks at everything you could want to know about birth and those early weeks.

We will cover:

  • Labour and birth

  • Initial baby care and what to expect in hospital

  • Newborn behaviour

  • Baby development, attachment and bonding

  • Breastfeeding and how to get off to the best start

  • Formula feeding and how to make up bottles safely

  • Nappies and nappy changing

  • Bathing and dressing

  • Carseat safety

  • What to buy

  • Parenthood, how life changes; and anxieties you may have

This course takes place over 4 sessions and costs £200 per couple

“Just brilliant, if you’re looking for an antenatal course that gives you all the information in an impartial, evidence based way; with a lot of humour - look no further!”

— Aria K
Antenatal class student


Pregnancy massage

Pregnancy can take a lot out of our bodies, with particular strains on the back, hips and legs.

As a qualified and experienced massaged therapist, Anna can help release that tension and revitalise from top to toe.

This massage is particularly for pregnancy and perfectly safe for you and baby, using specific oils and techniques to ease discomfort and aide full relaxation.

Offered to anyone in the second or third trimester, in the comfort of your own home.

Full body massage £80

Tension area massage £45

“Incredible massage - I feel like a new woman!”

— Gemma S
Massage client


Birth plan / preferences

When writing a birth plan, or laying out your birth preferences, it can be hard to know what to include and what the options are.

In this session we will go through the different elements of labour and birth and help you work through your own preferences.

“Just the process of writing the plan and going through the options taught me so much! I’m so glad I booked this session and felt so prepared for my birth - which was then amazing!!”

— Cara M