

Postnatal Doula services

The postnatal period is a time of transition in to a new way of life. Becoming parents or adjusting to a bigger family can be overwhelming and having the right support is crucial.

I’m here to be that support. To provide emotional and practical support in a way that works for your family.

A post natal doula can help with new baby tasks like bathing and feeding support, as well as being there for you as new parents - helping you navigate this new world.

It can be for a few hours a day, or a few hours a week, and it looks different for every family I work with.

Get in touch to find out more about how I work, and how I can support you in those transformational early weeks.

“I’m not sure we could have done that forth trimester without Anna’s support. Always there with a smile and so much useful information. Invaluable.”

— Jonny and Claire
Postnatal clients

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Would you like to be more confident managing your children's health at home? Would you like to know more about the symptoms children experience? As local parents ourselves we understand how much conflicting & often confusing health information is out there for families.

Adam is a children’s doctor who has worked in A&Es & paediatric units around London over the last decade, and sees many parents who feel unsure about what's fact or opinion.

Anna is a doula working with new parents, and is constantly amazed at how little information we are given when sent home to look after little humans!

Together we discuss some of the big topics in paediatric medicine, learning through evidence & research why & how things happen in children's bodies. We keep it informative & as jargon free as possible to equip & empower you in a practical way. We'll help you understand what symptoms mean, how to manage them at home and when to seek a medical opinion. If you’re expecting your first, you're a new parent, or have older children - this class is for you!

What we cover:

  • Fevers - why they happen, when to worry, how to treat

  • Coughs and colds

  • Rashes - what is worrying, what looks bad but is fine, and why

  • Respiratory conditions - asthma, croup, wheeze etc.

  • Vomiting and sickness - how to manage at home and when to be concerned

  • Choking, gagging, and what to do

  • Cuts, bruises, head injuries - how to treat and when to get medical support

  • Plenty more, with plenty of time for questions and clarifications from a paediatrician!

CHIC is run over two classes and costs £40 per person or £55 per couple. The zoom courses cost £47 per household.

We also run private courses, and courses for NCT / antenatal groups both on zoom and in person - be in touch for details

If you would like to be the first to find out about future dates - sign up below

“I wish I’d have done a CHIC course when we had our first! Would have honestly saved us so much worry and so many pointless doctors appointments. I now recommend to all parents, we learnt so much and somehow the time flew by.
Thank you again Adam and Anna!”

— Simon R
CHIC participant


Starting Solids workshop

Introducing food to your baby can feel like a bit of a minefield!

For some it can be a very exciting stage, and for others…. less so!

In this small group workshop we discuss how, when, why (haven’t we only just got the hang of milk feeding!?), and what - including the main different methods.

There’s time to discuss your worries and hopes, as well as some basic first aid around choking and gagging.

It’s interactive and jam packed with up-to-date information - to help you start your weaning journey with calmness and confidence.

This wonderful 2 hour workshop costs £29 (£39 if both parents want to join :-))

Upcoming dates -

N10 Wednesday 6th September 4pm - SOLD OUT

NW5 Tuesday 12th September 2pm - LAST TICKETS REMAINING

If you would like to book a private workshop then this can also be arranged, on zoom or at your home. Be in touch for more details.

“Excellent delivery of information throughout on different approaches and aspects of weaning. Very easy to digest as a new mum.

It was so helpful and clear - I really feel loads more confident and informed! Would highly recommend.”

— Abi S
Weaning class participant

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Baby massage classes

Baby massage is a wonderful way thing to do in the early weeks and months. It has huge benefits for parents and babies, including increased bonding and attachment, help with digestive issues and discomfort, and connection between you and your baby.

In our small classes, we do a 5 week course where we go through the full body routine step by step. We discuss why and how to do each movement so that you’re confident doing them at home as well.

It’s a baby led class, it goes at a slow pace so if you need to feed / change / rock to sleep / stand up and jiggle, go ahead! We repeat the routine each week so there’s always time to catch up if you’ve missed anything.

All classes break for an informal discussion alongside some tea and biscuits :-)

  • There is also an option to do private, small group classes in your homes. So if you have a small group of friends / NCT group and would be interested in this - do let me know!

The 5 week course costs £75 per baby

Group courses at 12:30 on Thursday afternoons at
Moon, 63 Chetwynd Road NW5 1BX
or 10am on Thursday mornings at 99 Myddleton Road N22 8NE
Book here or by signing up below

“The baby massage classes were so wonderful, Anna really knows her stuff coming from a massage background and now working so much with young babies and parents.

The parenting chat / discussion afterwards was always great - so much so that we convinced her to set up a parenting group for us so we could continue even when we’d finished the massage course!

It was a lifeline and many of us formed real friendships from that group - would highly recommend.”

—Lotte R
Baby massage and parent support group participant


Holistic sleep coaching

Sleep (or lack of it!) can often feel like such a huge part of these early months and years.

Through understanding your little one, your lifestyle, and your goals; I work closely with you to help create a bespoke plan that will work for you and your family.

Having studied sleep and babies for a long time, I know that there won’t be a one size fits all approach, but I do believe that it is our job as parents to respond to and reassure our babies when they call out.

So cry-it-out techniques are not discussed, and instead small but substantial gentle sleep changes are made.

Troubleshooting call to discuss a specific issue or ask some questions £50

Full consultation and bespoke plan, with follow up and checkins £300

Multiples / ongoing support / older children and more services offered, be in touch for more details.


Second child workshop

So you’ve had another one! Or maybe you’re about to…

It’s a life-changing and family-changing thing, when you no longer have an only child. It’s a wonderful time, but it can come with its own challenges.

Here we discuss the practicalities of having two, how to make life easier for you, and how to foster loving sibling relationships.

If you want to do this as a private session we can add topics that you’re particularly concerned about - such as getting in to good sleep patterns, and even a birth refresher if you haven’t had your baby yet!

Be in touch to design your perfect session x

“Anna made the transition to two children easier and smoother than I could have ever hoped. The information, recommendations and support were invaluable”

— Nic L