First aid and Child health


I just went on yet another first aid course, amazingly always feel like I learn something new though!

This one, was a ‘train the trainer’ course, enabling me to train parents, practitioners, and childcare workers.

Our CHIC (Child Health Information Classes) are still running on zoom very successfully, and we’re already getting excited about being able to run them in person again in the summer.
Learning about basic child health issues, how to manage childhood illness at home, and what to do with everything from coughs and colds to choking and rashes.

Working with Dr Adam Lawton (aka my hubs) means that you get to listen to a paediatrician and ask him everything as well. There are always some fab questions, to make his brain work in the evenings ;-)

The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and we couldn’t have anticipated the level of demand.

Some recent client feedback included:

“The best zoom class we've been to, and not just saying that, I was engaged from start to finish!”


The 2 hours whizzed by, which is always a good indicator to the interest held and success of the presentation style. Anna and Adam immediately came across as warm, knowledgeable and approachable. They work well as a team, sharing information in turn. Great balance of them sharing information and use of slides”


Really useful and medical info has really sunk in. I feel I will respond better to symptoms etc as a result and would definitely recommend. Thank you for broadening my knowledge and teaching me stuff i didn't know 3 kids down! Fab course, everyone should do it!!

Still thinking through whether we should keep some courses online or move everything in person, as soon as we can… If you have a strong opinion - please do share! I’d love to hear from you :-)


Food glorious food


Hello, it’s wonderful to see you!